Awana clubs


2 Timothy 2:15

AWANA Clubs is an outreach ministry with the goal of reaching boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and to train them to serve Him. AWANA uses the Bible to teach our young people to honor God and learn how to serve him through applying His Word to their lives. It is an exciting time for the clubbers. It will also be an exciting time for you as you see the children memorizing God’s Word, hiding it in their hearts, (Psalm 119:11) and applying it to their lives.

The AWANA name is an acrostic derived from 2 Timothy 2:15

A Club designed for children in regular kindergarten through second grade. Sparks includes a fun firefly character named “Sparky,” and a nature motif. Sparky firefly encourages and motivates children through handbook achievements. The three handbooks and ranks are for kindergartners, first-graders, and second-graders. Handbooks provide Bible memorization and other BIble-centered activities.

Awana Cubbies This is a two-year preschool program, which requires parental participation and is designated for the two years prior to kindergarten, Cubbies includes a cute character named Cubbie Bear and a zoo motif. Handbooks provide Bible memorization and stimulating activities designed specifically for preschoolers.

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