Boys Brigade
A Christian Ministry to Boys
Colossians 1:28

What is Boys Brigade?
Our program for boys in 3rd – 6th Grades is called Stockade and takes place at South Campus (across the road from main building) on Wednesday evenings. One word describes Stockade: excitement. One word describes junior-aged boys: energy. Together, they make a winning weekly program for boys and the men who are their leaders.
The basic unit within Stockade is the Post. A post normally consists of four to eight boys and is led by at least one man, called a Ranger. Posts have names such as Hawk, Fox, Bear, Raptor, and Panther. In the Post, the Ranger and the boys meet together, have fun together and learn together.
Boys in 3rd and 4th grade are called Builders, boys in 5th and 6th grade are called Sentinels. Builders and Sentinels have achievement activity books appropriate for their age.
Our primary goal in ministry to boys is reaching them with the Gospel and building them to serve Christ. God’s goal for a boy is that he become a mature Christian man (Colossians 1:28) and, ultimately, a disciple-a person who can lead others to Christ and into Christian maturity (2 Timothy 2:2).
Brigade Programs
Our Wednesday Evening Meeting Program
6:30- Games & Challenges in the gym
6:50- Build the Stockade Prayer & Flag Ceremony
6:55- Stockade Honors
7:00- Story Time in Story Circle Room
7:30- Post Meeting in Post Rooms
Camp Hickory Hill
Camp Hickory Hill in Varysburg NY is our official Boys Brigade Camp. Hickory Hill offers many programs in support of Brigade Units all over Western NY and Northern PA.
For more information consult the Hickory Hill website:
For information on summer camp programs and a free 50th Anniversary Commemorative Brochure contact Brigade Chairman Dick McIntosh 434-5886.