Our RBC Team

Charles Jennings
Senior Pastor
Pastor Jennings has been leading Ridgewood Bible Church since 1992.
A native of Miami, Florida, Pastor Jennings has slowly followed the Lord northward in his ministry journey. After trusting Christ the summer before his senior year of high school at a summer camp, Pastor determined to pursue a full-time ministry direction and therefore began attending Florida Bible College, where he received his Bachelor’s degree. By then, he had married Debbie, a decision that has led to over 40 wonderful years of marriage and 5 children and 12 grand-children! From Florida, he moved up to Washington, DC, where he earned a Master’s of Theology at Capital Bible Seminary. In 2005, Pastor Jennings earned his Doctorate in Ministry from Baptist Bible Seminary. Pastor looks forward to meeting you at RBC!
Rich Jennings
Associate Pastor
Pastor Rich has been at Ridgewood Bible Church since 2007 and has served in leading our youth ministries and guest services. He graduated from Lancaster Bible College with a bachelors in Bible/Pastoral Ministry. Then in 2011 completed his masters degree from Lancaster Bible College. Pastor Rich and his wife Michelle have been married since 2007 and have 4 wonderful kids.

Ben Hand
Resident Pastor
Pastor Ben was ordained by Ridgewood Bible Church in 2014 and served as a Church planting missionary in the mountains of the Dominican Republic for 6 years. He studied at Word of Life Bible Institute and graduated from Lancaster Bible College. He has one incredible son. Ben oversees the worship ministry, outreach and missions, and some of the children’s ministry as well. He also ministers to the Hispanic population in our region.
Central Office
Please feel free to reach out to the church at info@ridgewoodbible.org or give us a call at (716)- 434 5774